University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics (Department of Theoretical and Applied Foundations of Information Sciences)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Description (english)
Technical Report No. AIL2015003 – First release, September 2015 Document compiled by:
Bogdan Okreša Ðurić, Markus Schatten with inputs from other project team members
This work has been supported in full by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project number 8537.
Number: UIP-2013-11-8537 Title: Višeagentno modeliranje velikih razmjera za MMORPG mrežne igre Title: Large-scale Multi-Agent Modelling of Massively Multi-player On-line Role-Playing Games Acronym: ModelMMORPG Leader: Markus Schatten Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost Funding stream: Installation Research Projects