A framework for Allocation of Software Components onto a Heterogeneous Computing System
Ivan Švogor A recent development of heterogeneous platforms (i.e. those containing different types of computing units such as multicore CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs) has enabled significant improvements in performance of real-time data processing. However, due to increased development efforts for such platforms, they are not fully exploited. To use the full potential of such platforms, we need new frameworks and methods for capturing the optimal configuration of the software. Different configurations, i.e....
A proposal of an ontology-based methodological framework for multi-platform mobile applications development
Zlatko Stapić Software development teams are faced with the lack of interoperability during the development of mobile applications for two or more target platforms. The development for second and every other platform means a new project with a need to repeat almost all the phases defined by the chosen methodology but with a narrow possibility of reuse of the already defined artifacts. The existing efforts of professional and scientific community to solve this problem have a similar approach (code once,...
Agent-based Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Resource Management in Smart Self-Sustainable Human Settlements
Igor Tomičić A human settlement may exist in an environment which does not allow the use of central resource distribution systems such as national electrical grid, municipal water supply, etc., or where the use of such systems is not preferable by its inhabitants. In such scenarios, there is a need for managing resources that are being produced, stored, and consumed, within the boundaries of such settlements, with a goal to maintain the self-sustainability of such settlement. Settlements are hereafter...
Agilna metoda za elektroničko učenje usmjereno Romima
Krunoslav Bedi U ovom doktorskom radu istraženo je na koji se način alternativnim agilnim pristupom, konkretno scrum metodom, mogu identificirati poteškoće učenika romske nacionalne manjine u cilju prilagodbe, nadzora i transparentnosti nastavnog procesa e-učenja usmjerenog
Temeljno je ljudsko pravo obrazovanje, ali ono općenito nije postignuto kod nacionalnih manjina u svijetu. Danas klasične metode nisu dovoljno fleksibilne i brze u kreiranju obrazovnog procesa prilagođenog...
An Online Syntactic and Semantic Framework for Lexical Relations Extraction Using Natural Language Deterministic Model
Marko Orešković Given the extraordinary growth in online documents, methods for automated extraction of semantic relations became popular, and shortly after, became necessary. This thesis proposes a new deterministic language model, with the associated artifact, which acts as an online Syntactic and Semantic Framework (SSF) for the extraction of morphosyntactic and semantic relations. The model covers all fundamental linguistic fields: Morphology (formation, composition, and word paradigms), Lexicography...
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) Based Interoperability of Cloud Computing
Darko Andročec Cloud computing paradigm is accepted by an increasing number of organizations due to significant financial savings. On the other hand, there are some issues that hinder cloud adoption. One of the most important problems is the vendor lock-in and lack of interoperability as its outcome. The ability to move data and application from one cloud offer to another and to use resources of multiple clouds is very important for cloud consumers.The focus of this dissertation is on the interoperability...
Approaches to learning in a blended learning environment in higher education
Antonia Bralić As blended learning becomes the prevalent learning environment, student experience and approaches to learning they adopt become more and more relevant. Positioning approaches to learning in these environments will help understand the students’ experience and support the construction of a high-quality modern learning environment. The main goal of this research is to improve the knowledge on approaches to learning in a blended learning environment. In literature review, several key...
Automatizacija postupka određivanja redoslijeda razvoja podsustava informacijskog sustava
Robert Kudelić Prilikom razvoja informacijskog sustava potrebno je odrediti slijed razvoja podsustava informacijskog sustava. Ovaj problem trenutno nije formalno riješen. Stoga predlažemo rješenje koje će kao kriterij, određivanja slijeda razvoja podsustava informacijskog sustava, imati sumu težina povratnih lukova u slijedu podsustava informacijskog sustava. Nadalje, dokazali smo kako je ovaj problem NP-potpun, NP-težak, i APX-težak. Isto tako, kako bismo riješili ovaj problem osmislili smo:...
Development of Methodology for Computer Assisted Information Systems Auditing
Mario Žgela Praksa pokazuje da brojne prijevare zasnovane na računalnoj tehnologiji predstavljaju novi i sofisticirani oblik suvremenog kriminala koji po svojim posljedicama može biti dramatičan, ne samo za pojedine poslovne sustave, već i globalno. Budući da se ovaj oblik kriminala realizira kroz informacijske sustave, njihova revizija, kao sastavni dio potrebnih kontrolnih mehanizama, danas postaje nezaobilazna. No, postojeće metode revizije informacijskih sustava tek se...