Naslov Pripremljenost srednjoškolskih učenika za nastavu informatike korištenjem udžbenika
Naslov (engleski) Readiness of secondary school students for Informatics class by using textbooks
Autor Goran Hajdin MBZ: 301535
Mentor Blaženka Divjak (mentor) MBZ: 210830
Mentor Marko Jurčić (sumentor) MBZ: 282854
Član povjerenstva Dragutin Kermek (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 136014
Član povjerenstva Blaženka Divjak (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 210830
Član povjerenstva Marko Jurčić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 282854
Član povjerenstva Alen Lovrenčić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 218662
Član povjerenstva Krešimir Pavlina (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 262762
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet organizacije i informatike Varaždin
Datum i država obrane 2014-07-09, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti Informacijski sustavi i informatologija
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 37 - Obrazovanje
Sažetak Udžbenici se koriste u svim osnovnim i srednjim školama u Hrvatskoj, a slična je i svjetska praksa. Obavezni su dio većine predmeta, te prate propisani plan i program. Brojna istraživanja usmjerena su na njihovu kvalitetu, strukturu i sadržaj. Manji broj istraživanja usmjeren je na primjenu udžbenika u nastavi, te rezultati ukazuju na potrebu daljnjeg istraživanja načina uporabe udžbenika. U realizaciji nastavnog procesa naglasak je stavljen na pripremu nastavnika za sat.
... Više Moderni pristupi u odgoju i obrazovanju upućuju na ravnopravnost nastavnika i učenika u nastavi, te stavljaju učenika u središte. Ostvarivanje ravnopravnog odnosa i aktivnosti učenika zahtjeva i njegovu pripremu. U ovom doktorskom radu istražena je povezanost učenikova pripremanja za sat i uspjeha u predmetu informatika te učenikovog zadovoljstva interaktivnim modelom nastave. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja pokazali su da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u rezultatima provjere znanja između učenika koje se poticalo na aktivno pripremanje za nastavu pomoću udžbenika (eksperimentalne grupe) i učenika koje se nije poticalo na pripremanje (kontrolne grupe). Provedenim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da postoji statistički značajna razlika u zadovoljstvu između kontrolne i eksperimentalne grupe učenika. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u procjeni obilježja nastavnog procesa između kontrolne i eksperimentalnegrupe učenika. Odgovorima na istraživačka pitanja utvrđeno je da su materijali u sklopu istraživanja bili dostatni i dobro osmišljeni, te su nastavnici imali koristi od eksperimentalnog načina rada u vidu kvalitetnije pripreme za nastavni sat i poticanja učenika na aktivno sudjelovanje. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Contemporary approaches in education indicate equality of teacherand studentin classroom and position the student as the center of teaching process. Achievement of equal relations and students activity also requires students preparation. In this doctoral thesis connection was researched between students readiness for class, achievement in informatics and students satisfaction with interactive model of teaching.Relevant theoretical results which were used as the basis for the research
... Više part are presented in the theoretical framework.Smaller partof presented theories was also used in the theoretical framework for teachers. Theoretical framework includes basic legislative framework which is relevant for the researched field. Theoretical framework also includes theories which are based on activity of students in the process of teaching: socio-constructivism, theory of education as the critical-constructive education science, democratization of the teacher student relationship and phenomenography. In addition to the mentioned theories the theoretical framework of the dissertation also summarizes Anglo-Saxonand German approach to the curriculum and Blooms taxonomy.Results of relevant scientific papers and projects which are thematically related to the textbooks and teaching practices were also presented in this doctoral dissertation. The research part consists of three hypotheses and two research questions.Hypothesis H1 states: Students which were encouraged by teachers to actively prepare themselves for the classes by using textbooks achieve significantly better performance in informatics from students who are not encouraged to prepare themselves. T-test for large independent samples was applied after the written assessment for students, data collection and organization. Results from t-test showedno statistically significant difference in the test results between students who are encouraged to actively prepare themselves for the informatics class by using textbooks (the experimental group) and students who were not encouraged to prepare themselves (the control group).Hypothesis H2 states: There is statistically significant difference in students satisfaction with informatics teaching between students which are encouraged to actively prepare themselves by using textbooks and those which are not encouraged to prepare themselves. Test of differences of proportions was conducted after the survey questionnaire which was conducted among experimental group of students. Results showedstatistically significant difference in satisfaction of control and experimental group of students.Hypothesis H3 states: There is a significant statistical difference in the estimates of the characteristics of the process of teaching between students who are encouraged to actively prepare themselves for teaching of informatics by using textbooks and those wo are not encouraged to prepare themselves. Data for the hypothesis H3 was collected with questionnaire for students which was conducted after the written examination. Claims related to the characteristics of teaching process which were picked by the students of each group were analyzed. After that, Chi-square test was conducted. Results showedstatistically significant difference in the estimates of the characteristics of the process of teaching between the students who were encouraged to actively prepare themselvesfor teaching by using textbook and those who were not encouraged to prepare themselves.Research question P1 states: What kind of support, materials and preparation was required for teachers to adopt and implement the process to encourage students to prepare themselves for teaching of informatics by using textbook as well as to organize teaching process for such students? Answer to the research question P1 is based on the data collected by interviewing the teachers. It was concluded that the materials which were designed as the part of the conducted research were sufficient for the adaptation and implementation of the experimental way of teaching which encouraged students to actively prepare themselves for the teaching of informatics by using textbook.Research question P2 states: What lessons did teachers learn when applying the new work approach? The answer to the research question P2 is based on the data collected by interviewing the teachers. It was concluded that the application of experimental way ofteaching teachers learned that students can be well prepared for a lesson and that they can actively participate in it. Also, teachers learned it was easier to conduct teaching when students are active and ask questions, discuss and seek further clarifications. Teachers stated that students help them in their planning and organization of the teaching, especially when they get the questions from students in advance, which are related to the topic at hand and in which they are further interested.As a part of the doctoral dissertation concept for the application of interactive model of teaching was created. It is based on the active use of textbook and students motivation for standalone work and learning.Created concept is based on:the presented theoretical framework,traditional didactical triangle, change management model, results of the research conducted as part of the doctoral dissertation and experience related to the teaching practice. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
pripremljenost učenika
nastava informatike
interaktivna nastava
srednja škola
Ključne riječi (engleski)
Readiness of students
Teaching informatics
Interactive teaching
Secondary school
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:211:609579
Studijski program Naziv: Informacijske znanosti Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti (
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2017-01-21 09:21:55