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Technical Report No. AIL202401 – First release, February 2024, edit April 2024
Document compiled by: Markus Schatten with inputs from other project team members
This work has been supported in full by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project number IP-2019-04-5824.
We would like to especially thank students which participated in the development and testing of parts the console during the Game Development Platforms course at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics. Details about their participation and work can be found on the following GitHub repositories: PRRI-HoloGameV2023/wiki and .
Šifra: IP-2019-04-5824 Naziv: Orkestracija hibridnih metoda umjetne inteligencije za računalne igre Naziv: Orchestration of Hybrid Artificial Intelligence methods for computer Games Kratica: O-HAI 4 Games Voditelj: Markus Schatten Pravna nadležnost: Hrvatska Financijer: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost Linija financiranja: Research Projects